Last year's preseason was a smashing success, reaching new heights both on and off the ice. And this year, we're gearing up to take it even further!
Building on this momentum, we are dedicated to making this year's preseason even more remarkable. Preseason is set to kick off in early August, with registration opening on July 15th at 5 PM for Mites/8U and older. Each session will accommodate up to 30 skaters at $15 per session, and 4 Goalies at $10 per session, with no limit on the number of sessions a participant can sign up for. Goalies will be actively integrated into the preseason sessions. Each session will include skill work culminating in scrimmage play for an immersive and competitive training experience.
Skaters and goalies should register for the sessions corresponding to their Fall 2024 level/position.
To ensure the success of Preseason, we will be seeking assistance from coaches who are interested and willing to help with these sessions. A sign-up link will be provided soon.
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm.
As of 5 PM, July 15th, Preseason Registration is officially open!
Click here to view the 2024 Preseason Schedule.
Coaches Sign-Up has been released.