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By Bismarck Hockey Boosters, 05/18/23, 2:15PM CDT


The BHB Program WANTS YOU!

BHB appreciates the value of our volunteers, and we would not be successful if it were not for the hard work and dedication of our great team of volunteers.

BHB hopes you will consider serving on one of our committees or being a level coordinator volunteer for the 2023-2024 season.

Read about each of these opportunities by clicking below:

Volunteers are critical to the success of the BHB Program, and it would not be possible without the selfless efforts of our volunteers offering their time and talents to help our youth hockey program function.

Volunteers who commit and serve the entire 23-24 season will have an opportunity to have their DIBS waived and up to one (1) registration fee reimbursed.

In a situation where BHB receives an overflow of applications, a review process will be had to narrow down the members of our committees. You will be notified of your volunteer assignment.

If you are interested in any of the above volunteer opportunities, please complete and submit a volunteer form found here: BHB Volunteer Form

For further questions, contact Mikayla Jablonski Jahner, Executive Director at