Today, we extend our deepest gratitude and congratulations to our Bantam/15U graduating players. Your dedication, passion, and hard work have been the driving force behind our success, and we are incredibly proud of everything you have achieved during your time with BHB.
We have no doubt that you will continue to excel both on and off the ice and we can't wait to follow your continued success and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.
But our appreciation doesn't stop there. We also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the parents and guardians who have been unwavering in their support of our players. Your countless hours of travel, endless enthusiasm from the stands, and unwavering encouragement have made all the difference. We simply couldn't have done it without you.
To honor these remarkable athletes and their incredible journey, we invite you to join us in watching the 2023-2024 BHB Graduation Video:
Thank you, graduates, parents, and guardians, for everything you've done to make BHB the incredible program it is today. Here's to the future and all the greatness that lies ahead!