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By Bismarck Hockey Boosters, 11/20/23, 6:15PM CST


As we continue to forge ahead in our hockey season, we believe in the power of team camaraderie and the importance of building strong bonds both on and off the ice and we are thrilled to propose an exciting opportunity that could greatly benefit the teams within BHB — a team meal event at The Pier Bar and Grill.


Why The Pier Bar and Grill?

  • Team Building Atmosphere: The Pier offers a relaxed and welcoming environment, providing the perfect setting for teams to come together and build camaraderie.

  • Delicious Dining Options: The Pier Bar and Grill boasts a diverse menu with options to suit every palate, ensuring a satisfying and enjoyable dining experience for everyone.

  • Picturesque Location: Located by the waterfront, The Pier offers a scenic backdrop that adds a touch of magic to the team gathering, creating memorable moments for all.

Benefits of a Team Meal at The Pier:

  1. Team Bonding: Sharing a meal outside of the hockey arena is a fantastic way for team members to connect on a personal level and strengthen their bonds.

  2. Celebration: Whether it's celebrating victories or simply enjoying each other's company, The Pier provides the ideal space for commemorating successes and fostering a positive team spirit.

  3. Relaxation: Taking a break from the intensity of the game allows players and staff to relax and recharge, promoting a healthier team dynamic.

Interested teams should contact 701-751-4144 or