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Gun Raffle: Last Day to Turn in Tickets 1.24.24

By Bismarck Hockey Boosters, 01/23/24, 8:00PM CST


This is a friendly reminder that Wednesday, January 24th is the final day to drop off your gun raffle tickets. We appreciate your efforts in selling the tickets, and we want to emphasize the importance of returning not only the sold tickets but also any unsold ones.  The success of our gun raffle relies on the collective effort of our community, and every ticket, sold and unsold plays a significant role. 

The Gun Raffle Committee will be at Capital Ice Complex, Wednesday, January 24th from 6-8pm.

Those families that do not return their gun raffle tickets tomorrow can expect a follow-up from our Gun Raffle Committee over the next few days. 

Your support is vital to the success of our fundraising efforts, and we truly appreciate your commitment to our cause. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our committee at